Monday, September 28, 2020

American Walker 4 - Weird War 2

 This was a model I found on Thingiverse and it printed out fairly well. I'm not certain where my weird war 2 interests will take me but it will be purely in 1/72 scale skirmish gaming and/or 54mm soldiers for combat shots. I'm choosing those scales for the ease of use in plastic conversions and printing.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

3D Printed German Stug III


I printed this model in 15mm scale. I'm still unsure if I want to return to 15mm or not but this print was a "see if I can do it" type thing and it came out well.

Australian Army Encounters Tough Resistance

 "Australian Soldiers in a heavy firefight somewhere in New Guinea. 1942" 

Another 54mm plastic army combat photography shot. Taken in my backyard.

British Soldiers in North Africa


"A British Army officer and two enlisted mean cautiously approach a crater hole that moments before was occupied by enemy soldiers. 1942"

I took this photograph of plastic British Army toy soldiers in my backyard then used digital software to try and age the look.

Despatch 1: First Post

 My online journal and campaign blog for my hobby interest involving the Second World War. I can recall seeing photographs of my dad taken during his service in the United States Army. He served in the First Cavalry Division in the Pacific Theater. Growing up I would ask him about the war and he never did want to talk to much about it. This and being an only child let my imagination soar. So studying and gaming the Second World War has been a passion of mine since childhood. Therefore I dedicate this blog to my father and to all the men & women who served the allied cause in that terrible conflict.